Thứ Tư, 19 tháng 1, 2011

說到兔子, 你想起什麼? Playboy? 復活節? Peter Rabbit? Bunny Suicides? 蘿蔔?

從沒養過兔子, 不過算是頗喜歡牠們的, 白雪雪樣子又可愛. 不過母親常說牠們很臭. 話說N年前她任教的幼稚園有一隻像貓一樣大隻的兔子, 學生們都愛和牠玩耍, 我也曾探訪過牠的. 也記不起竹木/牠是不是很難聞.

兔肉沒吃過啊, 雖然聽過不少朋友吃過...

明明想說笑話的, 怎樣變了談吃?!

問題: What is the difference between a crazy bunny and a counterfeit banknote?

答案: One is bad money and the other is a mad bunny! (source)

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