Chủ Nhật, 19 tháng 6, 2011

Sunday Stealing

The Seriously Random Questions Meme, Pt. 1 (答啲唔答啲):

1. Your ex's car is on the side of the road, on fire. What do you do?
幫到實幫, 又唔係仇人. 即使係仇人, 救完先鬧囉 :)

2. Your best friend tells you she is pregnant. What is your reaction?
happy for her

3. When is the last time you wanted to punch someone in the face?

5. Do you think you gained or lost weight this past month?

6. Crunchy or Puffy Cheetos?

8. Congratulations! You just had a son. What's his name?

12. When you buy something and your change is 2 cents, do you keep it or tell the cashier to keep it?

16. Have you ever blocked someone on Facebook?

The Seriously Random Question Meme, Part 2 (答啲唔答啲):

23. What is the last alcoholic beverage you had?
Sangria on my birthday ^_^

24. Are you happy right now?
not too bad... :)

26. Do you drink beer?

38. How many states in the US have you been to?

39. What kind of milk do you drink?
high calcium / low fat

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