Thứ Tư, 30 tháng 11, 2011


話說要入廚煲湯,為省時間,買了$29.5一包的prepacked湯料,另買一包$20左右的豬肉。生手就是生手, 切合掌瓜也可以切損手指頭,真可憐。不過起碼有點湯水,某人真幸福(不過身在福中不知福﹒﹒﹒我爸媽也從未喝過我煲的湯啊!多年前曾嘗試煲粥給父親可惜非常失敗,一大煲鹽水一樣)

光顧過Frites Belgium on Tap多次,都喜歡它的蘋果味啤酒,不過暫時仍未找到同一品牌的。在City'super見有類似的買來試試,味道始終不及Frites的好味。Apple味的還可以,Honey味就太啤酒味了,不喜歡。

Thứ Năm, 24 tháng 11, 2011

Random Five

1. $6000有了,用來做什麼,不知不覺就會用了﹒﹒﹒ 那天去Harvey Nichols有VIP/HSBC promotion,拿起手袋在猶豫間便對自己說:當聖誕禮物給自己又好,又或$6000的其中一份禮物囉 ^_^

2. Gap今日開幕喎,近年每次返北美去Gap都會買牛仔褲的, 不知香港的Gap牛仔褲款式可會也那樣多?

3. 法國電影節是完全忽略了。Booklet拿了也未詳閱,其實應該有時間去看的,不過下班後去看我怕太累了,近月應該錯過了好些佳作。嘩,原來有Claude Chabrol回顧﹗HKLGFF和Jewish Film Festival更不用說了。

4. 上星期和母親去了看50/50,不算非常好看的一齣,就是可以拍得好一點的電影吧。可以更好笑更感動人的,就是這裡欠一點那裡欠一點。
5. Have a great weekend!

Thứ Ba, 22 tháng 11, 2011

前兩天想起要減肥,忽然想到一個簡單的道理。其實減肥之所以能夠成功,主要都是靠節食,也就是比平日吃少一點吧了。吃少一點,不是要做多一點(運動除外,不在這個道理之內),應該不是太難的。不須去努力付出什麼時間或氣力或鍛鍊,就是少做一件事情 — 吃。為什麼會比努力讀書或工作難呢?


image source:

Thứ Hai, 21 tháng 11, 2011







Thứ Năm, 17 tháng 11, 2011





之後我倆便在whatsapp上來來回回鬧著玩說如果她有多少分我應該有多少分了... 非常攪笑。



if i m 70 points, she is 50 ja woh... or 55 max :)


that 10 points is becos of na xie nian :)

i give 71

more than me?!!?!??!?! no f***ing way! then i m 85!!!

hahaha you 72


更瘋的對話不收錄了... :)


Thứ Tư, 16 tháng 11, 2011

BB Cream 推介

一直未用過BB cream因為怕會阻塞毛孔,那天上網找尋一下,發現Missha在排行榜上居頭三位之內又言coverage好得來不會阻塞毛孔之類,於是膽粗粗跑去看。

化妝小姐當然長氣,有她說沒我說,不過她沒有一味推銷最貴的一種給我(Missha BB cream有很多款),價錢又非常相宜,便買回家一試。怎知真的愛上了,還推薦給姊姊用,她有試用裝,用了也讚不絕口(嘩,幫人賣廣告﹖)。

不過的確,coverage很好,不厚也不算太薄,厲害是放工時也不多用補妝,但用了兩星期皮膚都不錯沒有出暗粒,價錢更是其優勝之處。比正在用的Dior Prestige及By Terry都便宜許多,效果也可以媲美這兩品牌,皮膚乾用了一天也不會出現乾燥狀況,真的值得一試。


*另有專為遮毛孔及皺紋的BB Cream,聞說效果不錯


我們一眾網友喜歡用google reader互相分享讀過又喜愛的網文或文章,怎料前陣子Google一下子取消了該功能,大家都十分沮喪。如果一向有留意我blog sidebar都會發現那個share box已經沒有更新了,實在淒涼。

越說減肥便越肥,有點苦不堪言,究竟要少吃多少才可以減十磅啊﹖!(我知我知3500 calories = 1lb,不用提我了...)


跳舞課仍然是沒多時間及氣力去上,不過一星期有一天午飯時間可以去上課做點伸展運動也算好了。其實真的很想一星期有一兩天運動或做Yin Yoga,但好像時間未能配合。

手機上的遊戲仍然是Wordfeud﹑Word Pops﹑推銀等等,有興趣和我玩Wordfeud的來找我啊,username是maddoggish。



Chủ Nhật, 13 tháng 11, 2011


和母親去了Frites Belgium on Tap,當然會叫Lindemans的蘋果啤酒了。沒想到酒杯墊後竟然有sudoku玩!^_^

Thứ Sáu, 11 tháng 11, 2011



唔,想想我有這個很喜歡的自己嗎?好像沒有...... 或許我不喜歡自己?又或我喜歡自己,不過不喜歡愛上人的自己,真無奈。

Thứ Tư, 9 tháng 11, 2011



1. 零食尤其是薯片和朱古力

2. 電視

3. 跳舞/運動

4. Video games

5. 充足睡眠

6. 和家人一起

7. 酒 :)

8. 電影 (最好去戲院啦)

9. 祈禱

10. 看表演/演唱會/音樂會

image source:

Thứ Ba, 8 tháng 11, 2011



Sunday Stealing

Sunday Stealing: The Madness Meme, Part 1:

1. Have you ever licked the back of a CD to try to get it to work?

2. What's the largest age difference between yourself and someone you've dated?
2 years

3. Ever been in a car wreck?
not really

4. Were you popular in high school?
not as popular as I wished

5. Have you ever been on a blind date?

6. Are looks important?

7. Do you have any friends that you've known for 10 years or more?

8. By what age would you like to be married?
married already

9. Does the number of people a person's slept with affect your view of them?

10. Have you ever made a mistake?
of course yes

11. Are you a good tipper?
it depends

12. What's the most you have spent for a haircut?
not just a haircut, but also perm/color/treatment... it's $$$

13. Have you ever had a crush on a teacher?
I guess so

14. Have you ever peed in public?

15. What song do you want played at your funeral?
Dream (Priscilla Ahn)

16. Would you tell your parents if you were gay?
I would

17. What would your last meal be before getting executed?
Rib eye steak / fois gras / lobster soup / garlic bread / chocolate pudding with vanilla icecream

18. Beatles or Stones?

19. If you had to pick one person on earth to die, who would it be?
no one, people that I hate will die eventually :)

20. Beer, wine or hard liquor?

21. Do you have any phobias?

22. What are your plans for the future?
Just be happy and with lots of love

Thứ Sáu, 4 tháng 11, 2011

A Week Without God


Without God our week would be:


7 days without God makes one weak.

感謝神,真沒想過母親現在天天讀神的話語,天天祈禱,還常常提醒我要快回去崇拜 :)

image source: (wallpapers for mobile phones)

Thứ Tư, 2 tháng 11, 2011


6 Word Stories

Twitter trending 中... #6wordstories


one day a handsome guy died

因為愛 我們在

wake me up before u go

love never dies but we will

Sunday Stealing

The W.T.F. Meme:

1. One of my favorite TV shows recently changed the actors who played two characters. Have you ever been bothered by a TV show or movie series changing actors who play a character you love?
Not that I can think of one now...

2. A coworker recently shared a link to a blog listing the "five things you should know before dating a journalist." As a journalist, I can honestly say the writer was spot-on. What are some things people should know before spending time with you?
That I need some personal space/time. And I am scare of CATS.

3. What is something you often do without realizing that you're doing it?
Biting nails.

4. Who has the capacity to make you angrier than anyone else in your life, and what in particular does he or she do to make you so angry?
Who else...

5. If a fairy waved a magic wand and gave you the house of your dreams, where would it be and what features would it have?
A big house where my mum just lives next to us ;)

6. What's a belief that you hold with which many people disagree?
I believe in God.

7. I used to talk in my sleep. In fact, I could carry on a conversation with someone when I was fully asleep, and my mom used this fact when I was a teenager to find out if I did anything wrong and was hiding it from my parents. If you were talking your sleep tonight, what do you think you would say?
I want a piece of cake :)

8. The fourth installment of the "Twilight" movie series ("Breaking Dawn Part I") will be released in theaters soon. Movie theaters started selling advance tickets for midnight showings months ago. Have you ever attended a midnight premiere showing of a movie?
A premiere yes, midnight one, maybe not

9. On Tuesday, tigers, lions and bears were let loose in Zanesville, Ohio, by their owner before he committed suicide, leading to a hunt in which 49 of the animals, including 18 endangered Bengal tigers, were killed. How would you react if you saw "Caution exotic animals. Stay in your vehicle" being displayed on a road sign?

10. If a company opened a theme park aimed at adults, what would you name one of the rides?

11. Imagine you just moved onto Sesame Street. Which puppet would you want as your new roommate?
Big Bird

12. Have you ever had a weird crush on a famous person that didn't make sense to you?
Yes, Matthew Rhys :) and Luke Macfarlane

13. If you get ten minutes to interview any celebrity of your choice, who would you like it to be?
Matthew Rhys

14. You've just won the complete DVD collection of all the movies starring one actor or actress. Which actor/actress would you pick?
Matthew Rhys (yes I am still a die hard fan)

15. Actor George Clooney recently told People Magazine that he doesn't use Twitter "because I will drink in the evening and I don't want anything that I could possibly write at midnight to actually end my career." What is something you've said through social media and then regretted it?
I am not that well known, so I can still use twitter as I like :)

16. VH1 has re-introduced its hit show "Pop-Up Video," which gives behind-the-scenes facts for popular music videos. What musician would you be most interested in learning behind-the-scenes facts about?
Can't think of one now

17. If you stumbled across someone's personal written journal that was accidentally left in a public place, would you read any of the content?

18. What is the title of a self-help book that you'd never want to see on a store bookshelf?
How to Succeed

19. Many media outlets have been asking this question a lot this week... Which Halloween costume do you think will be overdone this year?
Black Swan and Angry Bird

20. Should a marriage license have a renewal date or expiration date, like a driver’s license?