Thứ Sáu, 31 tháng 12, 2010

Happy 2011!

H ave a fabulous 2011!
A ll your dreams come true
P raise
P lay hard
Y esterday is gone

N ever say never
E asy come easy go
W ealth

Y oung at heart
E at good
A ction
R est well

image source

Thứ Năm, 30 tháng 12, 2010


正正經經的文章今年寫得不多, 如果關於電影的算是正經的話, 那倒還有一點的. 還有三篇法國電影準備寫的, 還以為自己會堅持一月前完成, 看來未必可以了. 明天放假, 但這一刻什麼也不願意做, 除了繼續hea, 或者看隻碟吧.

2010快點過去吧, 我不喜歡你!

唔, 我的life只是35% off track而已... 算不太差了 (要求真低... )
Your Life is 35% Off Track

In general, your life is going very well.

You're quite happy with where you are and what you're doing.

And even if you get a bit off course, you're usually able to get back on track easily.

明天有什麼節目? 未知道啊... 你估我仲好後生咩, 不過我好似應該去癲吓的...

You Should Party for New Year's Eve

You love to have a fun time, and that's especially true on New Year's Eve.

You want to be out on the town - dinner, dancing, drinks... the works!

This night only happens once a year, and you're willing to go all out to make it special.

You want to party in style. If you're going to do it, you're going to do it right!

其實今晚本已想去吃個晚飯飲飲酒了. 除夕夜在街上倒數? 應該近十年沒有做了, 上朋友/親友家倒會的.

祝大家來年樣樣都順意, 開開心心, 身體健康!

Thứ Tư, 29 tháng 12, 2010

Born Famous

前晚看CNN娛樂提起某些born famous的藝人, 當中有Angelina Jolie, 然後想起, 其實我不太記起她的父母是哪兩位.

Google一下, 原來就是Jon Voight, 大家一定認得他的模樣. 母親是Marcheline Bertrand(2007年逝世). 母親是大美人呢. 還有, Angelina和其兄長James Haven樣貌很相似.
Marcheline Bertrand年輕時比Angelina更明艷照人.
看著看著, 我又想起另一個born famous的法國女演員Charlotte Gainsbourg. 不過我一直都不喜歡她. 後來才知道原來她的父母是非常有名的Serge GainsbourgJane Birkin(Hermes的Birkin袋).
父母叱吒風雲, 做女兒一點都不容易. 從出生那天開始, 都要揹著"XX的女兒"的名號生活, 相信她們都希望有一天做到"這對是XX的父母"的地位.
啊, 名人後人, 還有很多: Sofia Coppola, Ivanka Trump... 還有呢?

Thứ Ba, 28 tháng 12, 2010


Song of the week: Hold My Heart (Sara Bareilles)

Song of the month: Winter Wonderland

Song of the year: Dream (Priscilla Ahn)

Thứ Hai, 27 tháng 12, 2010


1. 好彩聖誕佳節雖然好多餐美食, 不過都叫有少少節制, 未至於失控. 唔敢上磅住... 呢幾日會少吃少吃了.

2. 原來宜家送得意貼紙俾啲小朋友, 佢地第一時間會發現: 咦, 可以玩tag人! (放上fb囉... )

3. 啲細路真係大得好快... 嚇親人...

4. 用咗iphone 4後, 部dc完全被擱置, 因為懶拎. 手機方便影相quality又真係幾好.

5. cut the rope聖誕版幾吸引吓, 細路唔肯放手

6. 我對腳原來行到腳版痛

7. Gulliver's Travel 3D版認真呃錢!!! 根本3D效果幾近零!

8. 反而Narnia 3D都幾ok.

9. 無諗過四日裡睇咗兩部3D... 仲係同一間戲院

10. 聖誕禮物令人開懷

11. 天氣夠冷氣氛更好

12. 好彩雖然連放四日假, 聽日準備返工都未至於太沮喪

13. Have a happy Tuesday!

14. 預祝新年快樂!

Chủ Nhật, 26 tháng 12, 2010

Some Blogthings Again

Your Life's Path is Gold

You seek companionship and good times. You love being around your friends and family members more than anything else in the world.

You believe other people are the key to living a happy life. In return, you provide them with good company and true friendship.

You are charming and outgoing. You have big personality that others don't easily forget.

You love luxury and high quality goods. Luckily, you are quite successful and good at making money.

Your Favorite Color is Black

You are a serious and sophisticated person. You tend to shy away from flashy and trendy things.

You are comfortable with yourself. You are naturally confident, and you have a healthy amount of self esteem.

You blend in easily, and you deal well with flamboyant personalities. You are very unique, but you don't show off how special you are.

You are classy and understated. You have a dark, sarcastic side that only your closest friends get to see.

You Are a Lamb

You are a bit of a wanderer in life. You can easily lose your way, especially if you don't follow the crowd.

While being a lamb may make it seem like you blindly follow others, the exact opposite is true. If anything, you need more direction in your life.

You are dreamy and creative. You have so many ideas in your head that it makes it difficult to focus sometimes.

You do well if you have a guide or mentor in your life. Sometimes you need to be shown which direction to go in.

呢個都可以玩玩, 不過答案就唔share了... ;)

Thứ Bảy, 25 tháng 12, 2010


上星期去了九龍城晚飯, 本只打算一試清真牛肉館, 怎料九時多抵達正店門外有十多人, 不想等候, 於是去了很多人都讚好吃的創發潮州飯店. 有人前陣子都來過的了, 這回兩個人吃不了太多.
叫了四碟左右: 竹尖魚, 紹菜雜(有沒有記錯?), 鵝片豆腐底, 鵝腸墨魚. 紹菜雜味道很不錯, 有魚蛋/菜/扎肉等等, 放湯的.
鵝腸, 很久沒吃了, 每次吃都會想起父親, 因為小時候他經常帶我們去吃的.
有網友說創發是非常出名好吃的潮州菜館, 唔, 感覺好像不至於非常非常好吃.

為了那個清真牛肉餅, 八九成飽也要跑去吃.

忘了看清楚是否有最低消費, 早知買外賣好了. 每人最低消費$22, 清真牛肉餅$22兩個, 兩個人怎吃四個呢?
味道不錯, 不過沒有想像中"超凡", 試過某港島街坊小店的好像水準比這個還好呢.

不想買多兩個牛肉餅, 唯有叫了一碟豆沙鍋餅. 即吃蠻不錯, 皮比較厚, 有別於平日吃過的豆沙鍋餅. 帶回家後隔天從冰箱拿出來再焗熱吃, 味道差很遠了... 都是$22一碟.
對, 我知道一直嚷著要減肥, 不過一場來到... 唉... 算啦... 聖誕前都仲咁食法...

走過一兩步便見合成糖水, 來九龍城不吃糖水好像不能離開一樣...

椰皇海底椰燉雪耳, 很香, 不算甜. 我嗜甜的, 當然更甜會更好味啦...
一邊吃一邊不忘看看牆上的雜誌相片介紹, 聞名多時, 包括日本雜誌/報章都有介紹. 眼見幾位老闆/家人都由窈窕fit人變成非常"有福"的一家人... 糖水真的那麼有威力??? 好驚...

Thứ Tư, 22 tháng 12, 2010

Some Blogthings

You Are Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer

You are a natural leader, though sometimes you are reluctant to step up to a leadership role.

You see the world more clearly than most people, and often, you are the only one who can guide others.

People may doubt your talents at first. You tend to be underrated and underappreciated.

But once others see what you are truly capable of, they feel like fools for ever having doubted you.

You Are Structured

You are organized, logical, and practical. Whenever possible, you try to plan carefully.

You take a lot of time to enjoy yourself and live life to the fullest. You don't mind being in the slow lane.

You find that most tasks are more difficult than you anticipated. And you don't give up until the job is done.

You work hard for the feeling of satisfaction it gives you. Any money you get is secondary.

Your Holiday Wish is Being with Family and Friends

The holidays are near and dear to your heart. You don't need much to make you happy this time of year.

As long as you're able to be near the people you love most, you are content. It's really that simple.

You want nothing more than a full house of people celebrating the season. It doesn't matter if it's your house or not, just as long as everyone is there.

And if someone doesn't happen to be around during the holidays, you think about him or her often. You get very sentimental this time of year.

Thứ Ba, 21 tháng 12, 2010

Sunday Stealing on a Tuesday Night

Sunday Stealing: The Ninja Meme, Part Two (抽樣答):

27. What color shirt are you wearing?
black. it's a "Boy London" long sleeve tee! (early 90s!)

29. Can you whistle?

30. Favorite colors(s)?
purple, blue, yellow, white

32. What songs do you sing in the shower?
頭先我係唱張學友的... 忘了哪首!

33. Favorite girl's name?
如果我有個女就會要呢個名, 不過唔話你知

34. Favorite boy's name?

36. Last thing that made you laugh?
其中一樣: 大學友人喺fb上share一張相, 笑到我呢... 是關有人成日話佢似某公眾人物, 點知呢日佢真係撞到佢, 於是同那名人來個合照, 笑死我... 佢醒目又靚仔過個名人好多!

38. Worst injury you've ever had?
touchwood, 腰患/尾龍骨

43. Does anyone have a crush on you?
宜家? 唔知呢

49. What were you doing at 12 AM?
頭先, 準備沖涼

50. What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up?

Thứ Hai, 20 tháng 12, 2010

The Best TV Couples of All Time

25對美國最佳電視情侶(The Best TV Couples of All Time), 好些都未看過的, 不過也有我最最最喜愛的couple! :)


Kevin & Scotty (#23)
by Randy Holmes/ABC


Homer and Marge (#22) ~ 都好過癮

Carrie & Mr. Big (#7) ~ 唔, 我都唔多鍾意Mr. Big...

Dan and Roseanne (#8) ~ 呢個都有睇過好多集, 好好笑

Doug and Carol (#15) ~ ER!!! 不過Carol唔靚... 我鍾意Carter同Abby多好多!

如果講本地熒幕情侶, 你又最鍾意邊對?

Chủ Nhật, 19 tháng 12, 2010

My A-Z of Christmas

Boxing Day
Deck the Halls
Feast / Family
Gingerbread Man
Jesus Christ
Mulled wine
Reunions / Reindeer
Toast / Tinsel
Very happy
Warm / Winter Wonderland

image from

Thứ Bảy, 18 tháng 12, 2010


1. 這個Health Tips: the Healthiest Decisions of the Year(18點)頗有幫助/提醒. 或許我要"try a new workout"了.

2. 原來唔出一日post, 感覺很良好... 或者呢度不久嘅將來就會摺了.. . :P

3. 仍未正式Christmas shopping, 除了不停買嘢俾自己外...

4. 去百貨公司購物, 店員都說今年市道非常好, 好比2007那年聖誕.

5. 友人叫我: 豁達啲. 我都好豁達架喇, 睇吓對咩人啦...

6. 今年都幾多人令我失望.

7. 唔緊要. 因為我已放棄某啲人, 又或放低要求.

8. 今個星期好似飲咗三晚酒. 唔, 應該話有三晚都有飲酒, 而已.

9. 我係咪真係好似某人講: "福頭"一名(好好彩)呢? 睇埋嚟緊呢年先算.

10. 就快年終了, 唔會嚟個咩2010回顧/展望什麼了. 今年, 真係幾麻麻. 多方面都唔多順意, 又或好多挑戰/沖激. 不過都過去了, 我都仲撐得住. 令我失望嘅人, 睇開係睇開了, 不過有啲嘢唔同咗係無得返轉頭. 朋友(們), 唔好意思了...

11. 手指近況(近來又咬指甲了... 唉): 十隻手指得番兩隻半比較正常

12. 整完頭髮, 為咗頭髮切想(都幾荒謬... 不過係阿髮型師講嘅, 三星期都唔好紥辮喎), 我可能出年先上番跳舞堂... 吹漲...

13. 有時我都幾剋人憎的... 不過好似好多人講, 一個人之所以有時咁討人厭, 都係因為被傷害過. 我諗都係.

14. ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ 係咪好cute呢?

15. 假如唔多見我update呢度, 我應該都會update twitter/tumblr等等的. 我無咩, 只係懶, 同埋宜家有時唔寫blog, 原來都幾爽. :)

16. 差啲忘記... 上個月廿一日剛好係blog五歲. 我竟然忘了. 時間過得真快.

Thứ Năm, 16 tháng 12, 2010


女人最難忍手的(應該說, 對我來說最難忍手的... ): 一是鞋, 二是護膚品.

兩星期前收到Aesop的電郵, 說有VIP優惠日. 於是跑了去看. 看... 結果買了幾件東西. 然後那天路過世貿, 又路過Sonia Rykiel counter, 多年沒買此品牌, 曾經用過它的補濕粉底, 非常好用. 於是又看了看. 本來想去Bobbi Brown補給遮瑕霜, 結果買了Sonia Rykiel的. 還另買多一支眼霜, 即使家中的La Mer才買了數星期...

買護膚品總會送samples. 你猜哪個品牌的最多?

Sonia Rykiel給了我八包.
Aesop給了我十四包! 另VIP每人一份小禮物: 迷你洗頭水一支.
(都是自己買的喇, 不是在賣廣告, 亦從來沒有收過什麼免費試用宣傳東西)

現時存貨加這些, 應該足夠用到暑假了!!! :)

Thứ Tư, 15 tháng 12, 2010

Tournée 巡迴表演

難怪Mathieu Amalric這回憑"On Tour"在Cannes奪最佳導演獎, 果真又演得又導得, 他還有份編劇的.

看過多齣Mathieu Amalric演的電影了, 雖然這齣不是他的首作(導演), 不過應該是第一次看他導演的電影.

電影拍攝得有點像紀錄片般寫實, 但又富娛樂性. 不論視覺及聽覺都令人滿意. 流暢沒有悶場, 角色人物不算太多, 每人都有適當的戲份, 也給予各演員發揮演技的機會. 他們都有很不俗的表現.

巴黎電視製作人Joachim (Mathieu Amalric)離開一切: 孩子、朋友、敵人、愛人和遺憾, 一個人跑到美國重新開始. 後來他帶著一群脫衣舞孃回國. 這群舞孃滿腦子都是他灌輸有關在法國及巴黎作巡迴表演的美夢! 從一個鎮到另一個鎮, 儘管住宿的都是一些廉價旅館並且經費不足, 但這群體形豐滿的脫衣舞孃卻懂得營造一個充滿溫情和享樂的幻想世界, 她們的演出大受男女觀眾的歡迎. 可是, 他們理想中想以巴黎作巡迴表演的終點的目標卻因為Joachim被一名老友出賣而告終. Joachim被迫回到巴黎, 必須再次面對從前的傷害... (法國電影節)
每個脫衣舞孃都獨當一面, 遠洋來到法國一心想去看看花都, 去體驗前所未有的舞台感受, 結果雖然失望, 她們都傾盡所有, 演得笑中有淚.

一群演出者日以繼夜每天一起生活, 一起演出, 大家就好像臨時的家人一樣. 怎樣可以好好利用演出以外的時間作息而又享受異國的色彩?

看著她們台前幕後的點滴, 大家就像看一個劇團的紀錄片一樣有趣.

電影中也有小孩子客串, 飾演Joachim的兩個兒子.

Screen Daily

The Telegraph


Trailer, Poster and Pics (Rope of Silicon)

Rope of Silicon


Thứ Ba, 14 tháng 12, 2010

Random A-Z


Apocalypse Now
Breakfast at Tiffany's
Cold Mountain
Dancer in the Dark
Evan Almighty
Hannah Montana
The Ice Storm
The Joy Luck Club
The Kite Runner
Leaving Las Vegas
Men in Black
The Queen
Reservoir Dogs
Saving Private Ryan
Take the Lead
V for Vendetta
The Wolverine

Thứ Hai, 13 tháng 12, 2010

Sunday Stealing on a Monday Night

The Ninja Meme: Part One

1. What do you add to your coffee?
brown sugar and skim milk

2. What are you reading now?
a few books, never finished

3. Do you own a gun?

4. Are you registered to vote?

5. Do you get nervous before doctor appointments?

6. What do you think of hot dogs?
I only eat a few times a year, and I prefer 永樂園

7. Favorite Christmas Song?
at this moment, Winter Wonderland

8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning?
hot water. if I have breakfast, then coffee or orange juice or hot chocolate (maybe just a few times a year)

9. Can you do push ups?
around 10

10. What was the name of your first boyfriend/girlfriend?
not gonna tell you

11. What's your favorite piece of jewelery?
engagement ring, maybe

12. Favorite hobby?
films, ballet, blogging, eating, drinking, shopping, watching (and re-watching) Brothers & Sisters

13. Do you work with people who idolize you?

14. Do you have ADD?

15. What's one trait that you hate about yourself?

16. What's your Middle name?

17. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment.
I don't want to sleep yet; I want to lose 15 lbs; when will I get the paycheck this month?

18. Name 3 things you bought yesterday.
shoes, only ;)

19. Name 3 beverages you regularly drink.
decaf coffee, skim/low fat milk (with cereals), wine

20. Current worry right now?

21. What side do you dress to?
this question supposes to be for guys only right???

23. How did you bring in the New Year?
don't remember

(skipped some)

Chủ Nhật, 12 tháng 12, 2010

Crime d'amour / Love Crime

法國導演Alain Corneau的遺作, 竟然有點失望.

兩女主角更是Kristin Scott ThomasLudivine Sagnier.

電影太多破綻, 好些本不是笑位卻引來笑聲, 例如Isabelle(Ludivine Sagnier)用手套以防留下指模及證據, 卻又"戴吓唔戴吓".

其實尾段橋段本算精明又不錯, 就是不夠聰明, 令觀眾失笑.又或因為我們看得太多荷李活式偵探查案片、CSI、Medium等等, 有點不夠精細時我們便接受不了.

愛權又愛玩弄下屬的Christine(Kristin Scott Thomas)和下屬Isabelle(Ludivine Sagnier)之間的鬥爭及所謂的辦公室政治都未到肉. 刻劃得太簡單, 不夠說服力. 未至於令人覺得那已足夠令人想動殺機.

演技尚令人滿意, 不過故事的笨拙令演員看上去都笨了. 驚慄片? 完全不夠驚慄. 節奏適中.

好的演員, 好的故事, 可以做得更完美.



image source

Thứ Bảy, 11 tháng 12, 2010

What Do Your Initials Say About You?

You Are Captivating And Original

When You Are Comfortable:

You are unique and interesting. You are fascinated by the world, and you're always experimenting with new ideas.
People see you as mysterious and enchanting. You don't realize how much people are drawn to you.

When You Are At Your Best:

You are determined and responsible. You strive for success, and you know what it takes to get things done.
People find you to be trustworthy and a good leader. You treat people well, and they benefit from your wisdom.

When You Are in a Social Setting:

You are a hard worker. You need security and stability in your life, even if that means putting in long hours.
People see you as solid and dependable. You are always able to see the good in situations. Other find this comforting.

Take the test

Thứ Sáu, 10 tháng 12, 2010

Sunday Stealing on a Friday Night

Sunday Stealing: The Dwight Twilley Meme (只揀幾條)

The latest book or movie that made you cry?
剛剛看完法國電影"Little White Lies"(Les petits mouchoirs/善意小謊言 ), 尾尾看到流淚. 好片!

Your dinner guest at the Ritz would be?
Matthew Rhys and Luke Macfarlane. :)

Time travel: where, when and why?
唔, 不如就學Back to the Future咁, 返去六十年代父母認識嘅時候 :)

Stress management: hit man, spa vacation or Prozac?
spa vacation!

Essential to life: coffee, vodka, cigarettes, chocolate, or . . .?
只寫一樣的話: 電影

Thứ Năm, 9 tháng 12, 2010

Viva Ana

有天晚上路經已打算要來一試了, 然後網友也有提及. 這天跑來吃午餐.

除了餐牌上的選擇外, 還有這個Chef's Special:
Stuffed Olives: 嘩, 好辣吓, 紅椒都不敢吃...
這個Asparagus & Spanish Sausage on Toast很袖珍, 麵包很硬...
Squids有點看頭. 夠熱, 不過一般.
Short Ribs, 頗油膩, 但味道不錯. 不過一個人吃了這麼多, 還有一杯紅酒... 真的很飽 (所以晚上只敢吃cereal作晚餐)
價錢略嫌貴了一點, 比Seibu basement Great超市內那間Estudio Iberico Tapas Bar昂貴, 且不及後者味美. 不知道是不是這次不懂選菜呢...

座位看到餐廳後面的"休憩間", 不時有些訪客.